Project Overview:When people are able to form a connection with their environment, they are more likely to develop a sense of empathy and stewardship. However, there are very limited access points to the somewhat polluted Hudson River in Troy, NY. I aimed to create an AR audio walking tour for smartphone that sparks a sense empathy in community members for the polluted Hudson River along with establishing a social connection together.
Iterations1. Soundcloud App and no map: Users were led by one 16-minute sound file after downloading Soundcloud app to their phones. A few users found the pacing too slow or too fast, but found it hard to know when to pause in the app. City of Troy blocked off the entryway where my soundwalk began so I had to record from scratch for a new soundwalk. Therefore I experimented with the Recho app.
2. Recho app: I used the geo-locative app to record 30 second bits of the soundwalk at certain sites where users could use the app to hover over the pinpoint to play the recording. However, developers stopped fixing bugs days before my public launch so I quickly made a jukebox-style MP3 version on my website for Iteration #3. 3. Jukebox Style MP3 on my website. Final Prototype for Public Launch: I used the 30-second recordings from the Recho App as prompts. Pain point: "I wish that it wasn't on autoplay." I revised the arrows clicks from playing on autoplay to waiting for the user to click them to play. Pain point: A few users said that "It was a little stuttery." This is probably due to switching the 30-second Recho app recordings to the jukebox form. For a future iteration, some of the recorded segments could be be combined for a more meditative flow. |