Lake George is prized for its clear and pristine waters. Both locals and tourists take ownership of its beauty, yet it is beginning to show some signs of pollution. There are several problem areas that are highlighted by the Fund for Lake George and each have possible solutions that the public could engage in further to keep their Lake in good health. The Lake George Soundwalk is an artist audio tour in three parts: Salt, Invasive Species, and Water Quality. Each location of interest has a spot on an online map that plays an audio file of the continued tour. Each soundwalk is about 6-11 minutes long.
The soundwalk’s intent is to connect people to the Lake through sound, as one starts to focus on listening instead of seeing, getting from Point A to Point B, we begin to sense more of what is directly around us. We feel our other senses engage more intensely, such as touch and smell, and it becomes easier to embody a certain area. And when we embody a certain area of the environment, we begin to understand its needs more. We become better caretakers. We can become better caretakers of Lake George.